



The work involves responsibility for supervising housing rehabilitation and construction programs in the Onondaga County Community Development Office. The nature of the work involves the coordination and supervision of the residential rehabilitation and construction unit which includes the distribution of work assignments, supervising the preparation of inspection reports, overseeing the monitoring of bidding procedures, contractor performance, evaluating program activities, and developing program procedure and policy recommendations. The programs are funded through a variety of federal, state and local sources. Work is performed under the general supervision of the Housing Program Coordinator who allows the incumbent considerable initiative and independent judgment in the performance of duties. Work is reviewed through conferences and the review of submitted reports. The employee is responsible for the supervision of technical and clerical employees. Does related work as required.




Supervises the residential rehabilitation and new construction unit consisting of a moderate sized unit of rehabilitation inspectors and specialists, and clerical staff.

Distributes work assignments and directs and reviews the work of inspectors; supervises the preparation of inspection reports and detailed job specifications to insure that the quality of construction is maintained at high standards at all sites and to insure compliance with all applicable building codes, rules and minimum property standards.

Supervises the work of Housing Rehabilitation Specialists by monitoring and assisting with the intake and qualification of program participants, bidding procedures, contractor performance, record keeping and documentation maintenance.

Selects contractors to carry out rehabilitation work in accordance with program guidelines.

Approves all payments to contractors; makes judgments on conflicting prices and repair costs; and approves all change orders and addendums to contracts and specifications caused by unforeseen construction conditions and cost overruns

Reviews all reports from inspection staff in order to monitor the progress of the program; conducts staff meetings to discuss program performance, and to disseminate policy decisions.

Participates in the establishment of guidelines, goals, and objectives for a variety of housing rehabilitation and new construction program.

Establishes uniform policies and procedures for the implementation of housing rehabilitation and construction program; prepares and maintains administrative workbooks, written policy and procedure handbooks, and all required forms for the implementation of the program.

Develops standardized methods for intake and approval of applications, inspection of homes, certification of contractors, preparation of cost estimates and work reports, review of estimates, contractor selection, record keeping, monitoring and evaluation.

Troubleshoots and mediates disputes between home owners, contractors, and/or inspectors, involving faulty work, missed deadlines, cash flow problems, unrealistic expectations, or misunderstandings.

Provides technical direction and guidance to subordinates and interprets program policies and regulations.

Evaluates the purchase of vacant houses under the home ownership program and makes recommendations regarding purchases; reviews inspection reports, cost estimates of rehabilitation and cost benefit analysis.

Makes presentations to a variety of community, municipal and civic organizations regarding the availability of housing rehabilitation and home ownership opportunities.

Prepares advertisements and press releases for newspapers.

Acts as a liaison between county departments and agencies and other local housing rehabilitation program to coordinate benefits.

Attends seminars and reviews information on all available housing rehabilitation programs.




Thorough knowledge of the principles, practices and methods utilized in housing rehabilitation and building construction.

Good knowledge of federal and state funded housing rehabilitation or construction programs and criteria for eligibility.

Good knowledge of governmental rules, regulations and procedures involved in the bidding and awarding of contracts.

Good knowledge of the policies and procedures of supervision.

Good knowledge of the methods and practices in the preparation of cost estimates for building and/or rehabilitation

Good knowledge of building and housing codes and inspection procedures.

Ability to apply program rules, regulations and guidelines in the planning and developing of program objectives and activities.

Ability to direct and supervise the work of subordinate staff.

Ability to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with local and state officials, private contractors, homeowners and employees.

Ability to analyze facts and exercise sound judgment.

Physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.






Two (2) years of permanent competitive class status in the title of Housing Rehabilitation Specialist or Housing Rehabilitation Inspector.




A. Graduation from a regionally accredited college or university or one accredited by the New York State Board of Regents to grant degrees with a Baccalaureate degree and two (2) years of work experience, or its part time equivalent in construction management, building or construction inspection, or in the implementation of a housing rehabilitation or construction program in a community development or other government program; or,


B. Six (6) years of paraprofessional or professional level work experience, or its part time equivalent, in construction management, building construction inspection or in the implementation of a housing rehabilitation or construction program in a community development or other government program; or,


C. An equivalent combination of training and experience as defined by the limits of A and B above.


03/99 Revised