


                The work involves responsibility for supervising the maintenance, repair and cleaning of a large building, group of buildings, or facilities.  The employee works with considerable independence in scheduling cleaning and general maintenance activities within the buildings/facilities, and in determining proper work methods and procedures. Supervision is exercised over a number of skilled and semi-skilled workers and other personnel. Work is performed under the supervision of an administrative superior, who gives general direction regarding building upkeep and
facilities repair. Does related work as required.


                Supervises, assigns and reviews the work of personnel engaged in the maintenance, cleaning  and repair of buildings, equipment and grounds, which can include snow removal, lawn mowing, brush clearing and landscape removal.
                Leads work crews and participates in maintenance and repair activities.
                Schedules work in the best interest of maintenance and cleaning needs as well as in the interest of interfering the least with business operations.
                Supervises the repair of building machinery, motors, pumps and valves and establishes maintenance schedules for oiling, greasing, and adjusting building machinery and equipment.
                Oversees contractors and vendors hired to provide services such as plumbing, heating, electrical repairs and tree removal to ensure satisfactory completion and coordination of work within the department.
                Submits requisitions to supervisors for major repairs.
                Selects and requisitions essential supplies or materials.
                Estimates cost, labor, time and materials.
                Maintains accurate records necessary for the efficient and economic operation of this function.

                Updates records and manuals to reflect modification of equipment.
                Uses a personal computer (PC) for filing or obtaining information.

Supervises the maintenance and repair of pump station, water tank and water facilities equipment.


                Thorough knowledge of the maintenance, repair, and cleaning procedures essential to the upkeep of large buildings and equipment.
                Good knowledge of the basic principles of plumbing, painting, plastering, masonry, carpentry and electrical and mechanical building trades.
                Good knowledge of effective supervisory methods and techniques.
                Ability to plan, assign and supervise the work of skilled trades people and unskilled workers in a manner conducive to full performance and high morale.
                Ability to estimate cost, labor and time and materials, and to keep accurate records.
                Ability to make, interpret, and work from technical sketches and plans.
                Ability to use computers for scheduling and tracking costs, personnel and equipment, which may include geographical information system and global positioning systems.


Two (2) years of permanent non-competitive class status in the titles of Pump Maintenance Crew Leader or Water Maintenance Crew Leader. 

Open Competitive:
Five (5) years of work experience, or its part-time equivalent, in building/facility maintenance work in one or more of the building trades, such as carpentry, plumbing, electrical, HVAC or water facility maintenance, two (2) years of which must have been in a supervisory capacity.

NOTE: Experience in building cleaning only does not constitute qualifying experience.

12/2021 Date of Original Composition