The work involves responsibility for assisting the professional counseling staff by performing a variety of routine yet critical tasks necessary to the operation of a detention home. These tasks are performed to free the professional staff from routine responsibilities, allowing the counselors to concentrate on functions of leadership and discipline. Typical Detention Home Aide assignments would include the implementation of daily and evening activities and schedules, monitoring residents while they are asleep or assigned to their rooms, and assisting counselors in meeting the needs of residents. Other typical duties include such functions as transportation of youth, screening or assisting visitors with rules and regulations, admission of new residents and operation of the facility's control panel. Assignments depend on the size of the facility's population, discipline problems, and availability of professional staff. Direct supervision is received from a Detention Home Counselor 2. Supervision of employees is not exercised by an employee in this class. Does related work as required.
Instructs children regarding Detention Home rules and regulations, discipline and personal habits, and enforces their application.
Transports detained juveniles to and from scheduled appointments outside of the facility such as medical appointments or court appearances, and maintains security and control procedures while transporting juveniles.
Oversees, participates in and controls a group of juveniles during recreational and other activities, in accordance with the policies and procedures of the facility.
Makes bed inspections and security inspections at night.
Makes oral and written reports of all unusual occurrences or accidents happening during the shift.
Performs routine general security checks throughout the building, both day and night.
May be assigned to transport persons in need of supervision (PINS) who have been placed by the courts in a facility in New York State but outside of Onondaga County.
May supervise one or more youths who have been isolated from the general group population because of medical or disciplinary restrictions.
May process new admissions during the night shift by completing required forms, searching children for weapons or contraband material, assigning quarters and issuing clothes.
Screens visitors on visiting days, verifying that all necessary forms have been completed and explaining rules and regulations of the facility.
Monitors the visiting area while visits are in progress then searches residents and inspects the visiting area upon completion of visits.
Operates the main control panel, which involves answering incoming calls; controlling access to and from the facility, including distribution and controlling the issuance of building keys to staff; screening visitors and monitoring the walk-through weapons and metal detector; assisting in the transfer of communications between staff members on duty; and monitoring areas of the facility for security and safety.
Records general institutional information in the main log book.
Good knowledge of basic institutional safety and security policies and procedures.
Good knowledge of the principles and practices of group leadership and recreation, and of a variety of games, sports and crafts.
Working knowledge of the rules, regulations and policies governing a detention home facility.
Ability to understand, interpret and follow written and oral instructions.
Ability to explain to residents, guests and visitors the rules and regulations of the facility.
Ability to enforce regulations with firmness, tact and impartiality.
Ability to gain and hold the confidence of juveniles.
Ability to maintain a sympathetic, empathetic and understanding attitude toward delinquent juveniles.
Ability to keep routine records, and to make oral and written reports.
Good judgment in dealing with juvenile residents.
02/20 Revised