



The work involves responsibility for providing health care which consists of promotion and maintenance of health; prevention of illness and disability; basic care during acute and chronic phases of illness; guidance and counseling of individuals and families; and referral to other health care providers when appropriate. The Nurse Practitioner works in collaboration with a licensed physician or physicians. The Nurse Practitioner assesses the physical and psychological status of patients by means of interview, health history, physical examinations and diagnostic tests. Contingent upon the medical protocol established between the Nurse Practitioner performing the services and the physician of record, the Nurse Practitioner may evaluate test findings, make assessments, and initiate appropriate action to facilitate the implementation of preventive and/or therapeutic plans consistent with the continuing health care needs of the patients. Nurse Practitioners (Primary Care) are registered professional nurses with preparation in a specialized educational program who provide health care to adults in an outpatient setting. A licensed physician is designated as the physician of record. The Nurse Practitioner works under the supervision of the physician and in accordance with written protocol. Supervision may be exercised over subordinate personnel.




Makes assessments of actual or potential health problems by case finding, health teaching, health counseling, and the like.

Obtains detailed medical histories of patients to systematically collect data on patient background, physical and mental condition, medications or treatments, and other pertinent information.

Performs physical examinations of patients to assist in assessment of the health status of the individual.

Observes signs and symptoms associated with changes in the physical and emotional health of patients.

Discriminates between normal and abnormal findings and makes referrals to appropriate services.

In collaboration with the physician of record, orders routine and laboratory tests, such as CBC, blood chemistry, urinalysis, serology, and so on.

Reviews cases with the physician to discuss findings and to devise plans of patient care covering both medical and nursing aspects.

Participates with the physician in the delineation of standard treatment regimens which will guide the Nurse Practitioner in the management of individual health programs.

Instructs, counsels and guides patients, their families and others toward the achievement of optimum health.

Serves as a resource person to other health team members.

Participates in staff meetings.

May develop and implement in-service training programs.

May supervise and assist in the training of students from nurse practitioner programs.

Participates in appropriate committees (QI, pharmacy, etc)



Participates in public health preparedness activities as trained and assigned

Utilizes appropriate methods for interacting effectively and professionally with persons of all ages and from diverse cultural, socioeconomic, educational, racial and ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, lifestyles and physical abilities.




Comprehensive knowledge of nursing principles and techniques and their relation to medical practice.

Thorough knowledge of the theory and practice of preventive and public health care inclusive of those skills required to develop and implement a plan of primary health care to meet patient needs.

Thorough knowledge of normal and abnormal signs and symptoms relating to physical and emotional health.

Thorough knowledge of nurse practitioner skills, particularly those skills associated with adult care.

Thorough knowledge of the routines, practices and policies of the agency assigned.

Skill in clinical nursing practices and techniques.

Ability to understand and carry out technical oral and written instructions.

Ability to perform physical examinations and to assess the physical condition of patients.

Ability to recognize signs and symptoms associated with changes in the physical and emotional health of patients and ability to respond appropriately.




Ability to explain or interpret instructions of a technical and professional nature to patients, families, nursing staff or other personnel.

Ability to supervise the administration of therapeutic measures prescribed.

Ability to deal empathetically with problems of patients.

Ability to instruct personnel in the techniques and practices of patient care.

Ability to work well with all levels of personnel and to apply leadership skill.




Possession of a license and current registration from the New York State Education Department as a Nurse Practitioner with a specialty in one of the following areas:


1. Adult Health; or,

2. Community Health; or,

3. Family Health; or,

4. Obstetrics/Gynecology; or,

5. Women's Health.


03/2017 Revised